Bellow is more information about the movie and how you can help this project become a reality.
About the Movie
Ghila Valabrega’s first work, Felice Nel Box, tells, with yiddish humor, two stories in one movie: an intimate and surreal family tale based on true events and a broader narration of the Jewish community in Sabbioneta, Italy.
The plot
Back in the ‘70s, my dad, Stefano, was a curious photographer with a cool motorbike. One day, he found himself carrying out an assignment around Mantova, northern Italy. On his way home, he spotted by chance the old ruins of an abandoned Jewish cemetery.
Touched by the terrible state of the place, he impulsively decided to take one of the tombstones back with him to Milan. My dad did not know that, by doing so he had awaked the ghost of Felice Leon Foà, an 1800 Jewish man, who, following his tombstone, jumped on my dad’s motorbike.
The tombstone ended up staying for over thirty years, forgotten, in our car box and so did Felice... until my sister, my mom and I discovered them...
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